About Us.

How it all started.

Shed Life was started when we found ourselves working out of our homes and creating office spaces in formal dining rooms and sun rooms. We simply had no extra space in our homes to work. The idea to create nicer more luxurious sheds came to life out of personal need.

It’s our passion.

We are passionate about our customers and what we can do to make having this extra space not only attainable but easy to accomplish.

Leading busy lives ourselves, we understand the importance of not just function but creating an easy process.

We value you.

We value good old customer service. It’s something that we not only strive to get ourselves as consumers but strive to accomplish for our clients. We want you to be excited about your Shed Life shed and we want the experience to be enjoyable.

We stand by our product and we are our clients ourselves!

Interested in your own extra space?

Contact us today to get started.

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